Of course! Our local project is called ANAK SIAGA HANSAPLAST. Based on our global social mission it focuses on early education on first aid treatment for wound care. By initiating child-friendly educational programs we teach kids first aid skills to reduce the risk of infection caused by everyday injuries.
Since last year, we have Sehat-Q as a strong partner at our side for this purpose. This is a growing health publisher in Indonesia. In 2022 they helped us to visit 15 primary schools with a total of 1,204 students in Jakarta. During the visits, doctors trained students in first aid and distributed first aid kits to them and the schools.
We also work with Tentang Anak, one of the largest parent communities. With them, we educate parents online about first aid directly at home. We are proud of the project and therefore look forward to continuing to raise awareness for the importance of first aid and infection prevention – whether through press work or painting competitions for children.