Since 2011 as part of our continual stakeholder dialog we have used materiality analysis as a strategic tool for identifying key sustainability issues. We use it to determine the points along our value chain, in our activities and our products that have the greatest impact on our business viability as well as on society and the environment. To this end, it supports us in identifying topics and issues that reflect global challenges and have an influence on the long-term success of our company.
The Consumer Business Segment conducted a materiality analysis in 2021 to review and update the previous material topics. As part of an internal survey, we first obtained the assessments of experts from relevant business units on core sustainability topics and then evaluated them in terms of their materiality (relevance). In doing so, we considered the impact of these sustainability topics on Beiersdorf's business activities (“outside-in” perspective) as well as the impact of Beiersdorf on the topics (“inside-out” perspective). We then reviewed, discussed, and validated the findings in a workshop.
The following topics were identified as material: Climate protection, circular economy, sustainable land use and biodiversity, sustainable use of water, diversity and inclusion, training and development, employer attractiveness, occupational health and safety, respect for human rights, community engagement, compliance and business ethics, and product safety.
We carry out materiality analyses at regular intervals to ensure they are up-to-date and to reassess our results. The previous materiality matrices from 2011, 2014 and 2017 are freely available from the Downloads area.
The results of the materiality analysis provide an important basis for the further development of our Sustainability Agenda CARE BEYOND SKIN and its focus areas. Further information on our sustainability strategy can be found here.