Voting Results Annual General Meeting 2007

At the time of voting on the agenda items 2 to 9 181,650,325 no-par-value-shares with a matching numbers of votes were present. This corresponds to 72.08 % of the capital stock.

Agenda Item 2: Resolution on the Utilization of Net Retained Profits

Yes votes: 178,345,848 votes
No votes:
3,149,915 votes
Abstentions: 154,562 votes

It was stated that the management proposal on the utilization of net retained profits 2006 was approved.

Agenda Item 3: Resolution on the Official Approval of the Actions of the Members of the Executive Board

Yes votes: 181,585,321 votes
No votes:
462 votes
Abstentions: 64,542 votes

The exclusion of voting rights was observed.

It was stated that the management proposal on the official approval of the actions of the members of the Executive Board for fiscal year 2006 was accepted.

Agenda Item 4: Resolution on the Official Approval of the Actions of the Members of the Supervisory Board

Yes votes: 181,584,213 votes
No votes:
1,910 votes
Abstentions: 64,202 votes

The exclusion of voting rights was observed.

It was stated that the management proposal on the official approval of the actions of the members of the Supervisory Board for fiscal year 2006 was accepted.

Agenda Item 5: Election of the Auditors for Fiscal Year 2007

Yes votes: 181,612,995 votes
No votes:
31,447 votes
Abstentions: 5,883 votes

It was stated that Ernst & Young AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, are the elected auditors for fiscal year 2007.

Agenda Item 6: Resolution on the Authorization to Purchase and Utilize Own Shares

Yes votes: 180,483,397 votes
No votes:
897,752 votes
Abstentions: 269,176 votes

It was stated that the management proposal under agenda item 6 was accepted with the necessary majority of votes and necessary capital majority.

Agenda Item 7: Supplementary Election of the Supervisory Board

a. Election of Mr. Pfander

Yes votes: 168,655,590 votes
No votes:
12,983,568 votes
Abstentions: 11,167 votes


It was stated that Mr. Pfander was elected as Supervisory Board member of the shareholders for the remaining term of office of the supervisory board.

b. Election of Dr. Rittsiteg

Yes votes: 168,890,049 votes
No votes:
12,749,781 votes
Abstentions: 10,495 votes


It was stated that Dr. Rittstieg was elected as alternate member of Mr. Pfander.

Agenda Item 8: Resolution on the Amendment of § 3 of the Articles of Association

Yes votes: 181,639,017 votes
No votes:
1,919 votes
Abstentions: 9,389 votes

It was stated that the management proposal under agenda item 8 was accepted with the necessary majority of votes and necessary capital majority.

Agenda Item 9: Resolution on the Approval of a Profit Transfer Agreement

Yes votes: 181,588,111 votes
No votes:
51,806 votes
Abstentions: 10,408 votes

It was stated that the management proposal under agenda item 9 was accepted with the necessary majority of votes and necessary capital majority.