Brandmair and Silke Gerlach concentrate on practical laboratory work at
Beiersdorf’s Toxicology department. In cooperation with external service
providers and in exchange with TissUse, the team took a significant step
forward in 2019, including so-called metabolism analyses: “In essence, we
looked at what the skin and liver do with a substance we apply. How does it
change in the body? Does the skin already metabolise it in such a way that it
may not even reach the liver? These and similar questions were the focus of
attention,” Silke Gerlach describes.
team also completed the so-called proof
of concept Phase. “We tested four substances selected
according to specific criteria to show that the method basically works and
delivers reproducible results,” explains Katrin Brandmair. Such a
feasibility study creates important confidence and is the basis for the further
pursuit and financing of a technology. The results confirmed the high
expectations for robustness as well as relevance and simulated in vivo-like
findings for the cosmetic substances in the test.