“GOOD FOR ME” – Health Management at Beiersdorf

Our employees’ physical and psychological health is vitally important to us, as their daily commitment, dedication, and creativity make a decisive contribution to Beiersdorf’s success. This is why we have made broad-based and thorough health management a core element of Beiersdorf human resources policy.

Since 2014, with our corporate health brand “GOOD FOR ME” we have established a positive, healthy working environment for our Hamburg sites’ approximately 3,000 employees. Through this we actively strengthen both our employees’ fundamental health and overall wellbeing. We offer them an extensive spectrum of services within “GOOD FOR ME” centered on three core health-related fields:

  • Prevent – preventive health offers and health checks
  • Balance – offers that promote overall wellbeing and mindfulness in the everyday working routine
  • Cure – providing medical assistance and personal psychological support in cases of acute illness.

With “GOOD FOR ME” we want to support our employees professionally, holistically, and confidentially in the health-related areas of MEDICAL, SOCIAL, and WELLBEING. Our engagement here naturally also contributes directly to one of our company’s Core Values: “Care”.

Holistic health services: MEDICAL, SOCIAL, and WELLBEING

With our MEDICAL commitment our clear goal is to maintain and improve the health of Beiersdorf employees. The core tasks of our Company Medical Service include occupational health, medical advice for business travelers, and employee reintegration following long-term illness; through MEDICAL we also provide our people with rapid and professional medical care should they fall seriously ill or have an accident. What’s more, the range of MEDICAL services includes skin cancer screening and annual flu vaccinations, as well as confidential personal advice and treatment for our employees in situations of severe psychological stress.

The picture shows a modern building with a colorful design. The gray walls of the building are decorated with colorful geometric shapes. Next to the building is a playground where children can play and relax. There are various pieces of play equipment such as swings and a slide that appears to be made of wood and metal. The ground is covered with grass, and several children are spread out in the playground, taking part in various activities. Trees surround the area and provide a natural backdrop.

With SOCIAL we actively support our employees and managers throughout their different life and career phases. For instance, we offer them personal consultation on maternity and parental leave topics, caring for relatives, and balancing work with family life. Health Management at Beiersdorf also includes our very own kindergarten “Troplo Kids” in Hamburg as a further facet of our social engagement.

Through WELLBEING we’re responding to our employees’ needs arising from the transformation in the world of work, and to their rising interest in life balance topics. We promote their awareness of a mindful, healthy lifestyle through a broad range of offers – both in the workplace and at home. Besides mindfulness training, shiatsu, autogenous training, and on-site physiotherapy and osteopathy treatments, we also offer our people individually tailored health, fitness and nutrition coaching.

Fully in line with the holistic principle of “GOOD FOR ME”, Beiersdorf Health Management also coordinates its activities and areas of action jointly with directly relevant stakeholders: Our sports club Beiersdorf Sportgemeinschaft e.V., our company Health Insurance DAK, our inhouse Catering Department, and the Occupational Safety team. We have also established a successful cooperation between “GOOD FOR ME” and our tesa Business Segment’s own health management organization, “It’s for you” – because together we’re stronger!